
Which compiler are you using, exactly? Brand, version?

Compiling the sources will require compatibility to a specific C++ language level, usually specified by a year number, e.g. C++98.

Am 22.04.2017, 19:12 Uhr, schrieb olsi teta <olsi_teta1...@hotmail.com>:

Hello, Good Afternoon,

I am running into some troubles when trying to compile the HEVC source code. It looks like the compiler that I am using doesn't recognize the following instantiations:

In Funktion `.LEHB1':
In Funktion `.LEHE1':
 `TAppEncCfg::parseCfg(int, char**)'
/tmp/ccUDqS0R.o: In Funktion `.LEHB2':
In Funktion `.L4':
 In Funktion `.LEHB4':
Can somebody help me find the problem. I need to run it in the BOOM Machine. If I wasn't clear in my explaining please don't hesitate to contact me.
Regards, Olsi Teta


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Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer
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