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Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum (I announce to you a great joy):

We have a new, finalized location and date for

| X2Go: The Gathering 2015 - 2015-06-19 - 2015-06-21 @ Linuxhotel |

This year's X2Go community event will once again be a three-day "work
and play" (coding, chatting, socializing) event at Linuxhotel, Essen,
Germany.  No sightseeing tour this year, as the feedback from last
year was that you folks want to spend more time coding and socialising
on-site or at the dinner table.

Special thanks to Linuxhotel for jumping in and renewing their offer,
as we had originally selected another location that didn't work out.

*ATTENTION!* If you want to join us *and* want to sleep in one of the
hotel rooms at the Linuxhotel, we need the number of beds and nights you
want to reserve, as well as *your full name* (as printed on your
passport) and *your nationality* by *2015-05-18* *23:59:59* *CEST* (yes,
that's 2015-05-18, *not* 2015-06-18)!!!  Very important!!!  After that
date, we will be unable to reserve a room for you!

It would be really really cool if you could sign up sooner - and
please also note that:
a) we curently have a maximum of 10 beds available. First come, first
b) Most of our rooms this year will be single-bed rooms, which means
   the cost per night for the room alone is 30 EUR, not 15 as with the
   shared room arrangements. Complete pricing information is in the
   Wiki, see the link below at "Costs for Linuxhotel hotel rooms"
c) Please indicate on your reservation whether you absolutely need a
   single room, or wheher you would be interested in a cheaper shared
   2-bed bedroom, should they become available.

Please send your reservation request to x2go-m...@baur-itcs.de with the
text "The Gathering" somewhere in the subject and bug me publicly on the
X2Go-Project list if you don't receive a confirmation by e-mail after
a day or two.

Currently, the following core team members already have valid
registrations and thus do not need to re-register:
- - Mike#2 (core dev) - single room required
- - Stefan Baur (project/community manager) - shared room optional
- - Mihai (core dev) - single room required

For the following people, I will grant reservation priority until
2015-03-31.  Please be sure to complete your reservation until then
(this means letting me know if you can come at all, how long you plan
to stay, and whether you require/prefer a single room or not).
- - Mike#1 (core dev) - just need the room category
- - Kjetil Fleten (recurring participant) - room category, and days pls.
- - Heinz-M. Graesing (core dev/co-founder)
- - Martin Wimpress (recurring participant)
- - Henning Heinold (recurring participant)

Assuming all of you can make it and register in time, we still have
two available beds.  I will occasionally post updated availability
information after 2015-03-31.

Alex, you've previously indicated that you can't make it to Essen.  If
your situation changes/you change your mind about it, let me know ASAP.

Jos, Kees, you have indicated that you probably don't want to return
this year.  I'd love to have you here, though.  Do you think you could
at least make it for Saturday, maybe, so you don't have to reserve a
room?  Or is the journey too long for a single day?

If for some reason or other you do *not* need a place to sleep at
Linuxhotel, but *do* want to join us, please *still* let us know in
advance that you're planning to visit.  There's no such hard deadline as
for the room reservations, but you will need to "check in" (see
"Admission fee" below) for our gathering with the Linuxhotel staff, so
please *do* let us know in advance.

*Costs for Linuxhotel hotel rooms*
Rooms are available at 30 EUR/night (and since we're a two-night-,
three-day event, expect to pay 60 EUR total for the room).
Note that this is the price for a *single-bed* bedroom.
There may be a possibility to get a cheaper, 15EUR/night shared
bedroom arrangement, but this won't be clear until shortly before the
actual event, so expect to pay 30EUR/night.

It is also possible to book only one of the two nights if you can't make
it for the entire weekend, but don't want to miss out on all the fun.

*Admission fee*
5 EUR/day, again, since we're a three-day event, expect to 15 EUR total.
This is a per-person conference room/infrastructure rent and beverages
flat rate - *this includes beer and wine*!
Food is not included in this fee.  Expect that there will be no
lunch/dinner served by Linuxhotel, thus it's totally cool with the
Linuxhotel management if you bring your own (if you're flying in from
abroad, please check import restrictions), or order from a delivery
service.  Also, since this is a summertime event, we might be able to
have a BBQ in the park, assuming the $WEATHER_DEITY plays along nicely.

*Cost overview*
An overview of the costs is available at:

You will have to pay in cash *upon arriving at Linuxhotel*.  Sorry, we
can't accept credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, bitcoins or
other forms of payment for this event - *cash only*.  Also, all payments
must be made in *Euro, not in foreign currencies*.  Sorry about that,
too.  The processing fees for non-cash and/or non-Euro payments would
drive up the prices.
- -->Special Note for Mike#2: You're covered.

We will be updating the Wiki page
as more information becomes available.  Certain things, like our
breakfast options, or having lunch/dinner served by Linuxhotel instead
of having to order from a delivery service (as it stands now), can only
be planned once we know the exact number of participants.

*Event schedule*
The event schedule is still in the making.  Note that this year, we
will probably have the option to split up into smaller groups in
different rooms for more effective co-working on individual topics,
hands-on demonstrations, and for side-topic presentations that may not
be of interest to the entire group.
A notice that the Wiki page has been updated will be sent to
X2Go-Project once we have that confirmed.

Stefan Baur, "X2Go: The Gathering" event organizer

- -- 
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)

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