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Date        : 2016/08/06 16:21
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New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2016
Edit Summary: User : stefanbaur

@@ -59,15 +59,14 @@
==== Friday 2016-08-19 ==== - * arrival: TBD local time (CEST - Central European Summer Time AKA daylight saving time)
+   * arrival: 16:00h-20:00h local time (CEST - Central European Summer Time 
AKA daylight saving time)
   * option to order Pizza or start a BBQ/camp fire, bringing your own food is 
OK, too.
   * get-together in the chimney room (there's Wi-Fi and power, so if you want 
to code away, feel free to do so)
=== Arrival Plan ===
 ^ When ^ Where ^ Who ^
- | TBD | TBD |
| ~ 16:00h | Linuxhotel | Alex | | ~ 16:00h-18:00h | Linuxhotel | Carpool of Ulrich, Juri, Stefan, Mike#2 and Mihai |
 | 11:20 | DUS Airport | Vadim |
 | 19:00 | Linuxhotel | Florian |

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