A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2016/08/15 07:26
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Hostname    : HSI-KBW-078-043-090-159.hsi4.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de
Old Revision: 
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2016
Edit Summary: [Sunday 2016-08-21] User : stefanbaur

@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@
 | 10.45h-10.55h | ** 10min ** break ||
 | 10.50h-11.20h | ideas for a new web site structure - welcome page, blog, 
wiki, howtos  (in wiki), ... something like the design https://www.reactos.org 
is using would be nice | Intro by Stefan/Heinz (blog feature of DokuWiki), 
brainstorming by everyone |
 | 11.20h-11.30h | ** 10min ** break ||
 | 11.30h-12.30h | Open Coding Session / Bugsquashing | Everyone |
- | 12.30h-13.30h | **45-50min lunch break** immediately followed
by Conference Room Cleaning Rage | Everyone |
+ | 12.30h-13.30h | **45-50min lunch break** immediately followed by Conference 
Room Cleaning Rage //important: start dishwasher ASAP// | Everyone |
 | 13.30h-14.00h | Open Coding Session / Bugsquashing | Everyone |
 | 14.00h-14.10h | first conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff - ** 
Mihai, Mike#2, Stefan will have to leave afterwards ** / Florian Wicke will 
have to leave afterwards ||
 | 14.10h-??:??h | Open Coding Session (bugsquashing) - if Vadim, Heinz and 
Romana wish to stay longer (hard deadline: 17:00h) ||
 | @end | second conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff / **End of 
Event** ||

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