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Date        : 2016/08/18 07:18
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Edit Summary: User : stefanbaur

@@ -65,26 +65,26 @@
| ~ 16:00h | Linuxhotel | Alex | | ~ 16:00h-18:00h | Linuxhotel | Carpool of Ulrich, Juri, Stefan, Mike#2 and Mihai |
 | 11:20h | DUS Airport | Vadim |
 | 19:00h | Linuxhotel | Florian |
- | 18:44h | Essen-Horst | Romana and hopefully Heinz |
- | 19:14h | Linuxhotel | Romana and hopefully Heinz |
+ | 18:44h | Essen-Horst | Heinz |
+ | 19:14h | Linuxhotel | Heinz |
 | ~21:44h-22:44h | Essen-Horst | Heinz (if things go wrong) |
^ Time slot ^ Topic ^ Speaker /
Moderator          ^ Comment ^
 | 16:00h-18:00h| Check-In starts  | //Stefan//, Alex as emergency Keymaster if 
Stefan gets stuck in Traffic  | Quick introduction to Linuxhotel's house rules, 
distribution of room keys |
 | xx:xx | informal get-together | | COMPUTERS VERBOTEN, Smartphones frowned 
upon! (except for showing holiday or family pictures and the like) - You're 
supposed to get to know the people behind the code |
 | xx:xx | setup of equipment for the coming days | //Stefan//, once he has 
arrived | takes place in the conference room |
 | xx:xx | Depending on weather, Sausage-/Steak-Shopping for the BBQ | Stefan, 
Mihai, possibly Mike#2 | |
- | 18:45 | Depending on weather, fire up the BBQ or order pizza | | //at this 
point, we should contact Heinz and Romana via mobile phone so they can place 
their order remotely// |
+ | 18:45 | Depending on weather, fire up the BBQ or order pizza | | //at this 
point, we should contact Heinz via mobile phone so he can place his order
remotely// |
 | 19:30  | Official Welcome | Stefan | |
- | 19:45 | have fun eating Steak/Sausages/Pizza, have a drink and get to know 
the other participants' X2Go-related work, BoF meetings | Grillmeisters will be 
Florian and/or Romana |
+ | 19:45 | have fun eating Steak/Sausages/Pizza, have a drink and get to know 
the other participants' X2Go-related work, BoF meetings | Grillmeister will be 
Florian |
 | xx:xx- until bedtime | coding session | | takes place in the conference room 
=== Friday Coding Session ===
 ^ Topic ^ Participants ^
 | changes regarding NX-libs release - esp. bugs 
[[http://bugs.x2go.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=872|#872]] and 
[[http://bugs.x2go.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=873|#873]] | Mihai, Alex - 
maybe Mike#2? |
- | skimming over X2Go-user and checking what needs to be turned into a bug | 
Heinz, maybe Romana, Juri, Florian? |
+ | skimming over X2Go-user and checking what needs to be turned into a bug | 
Heinz, Juri, Florian? |
 | Background local
apps triggering on foreground Remote app actions and vice versa in Pubapp mode 
| Ulrich and Vadim? or Mike#2, Mihai, Alex? |
 | Clipboard issues - Copying Clipboard contents from Windows to Linux 
sometimes fails directly after a connect; works fine after one copy operation 
goes from Linux to Windows, though | Ulrich |
 | Windows Client improvements/bugfixes - esp. when session disconnects due to 
timeout, high CPU load and crash on close | Alex, Mike#2, Mihai? |
 | “Jumping” windows in Pubapp mode (annoyance e.g. with Iceweasel/Firefox) | 
Mike#2, Mihai, Alex? |
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
=== Saturday Coding Session ===
 ^ Topic ^ Participants ^
 | issues with HTML5/non-flash audio/video - see also 
[[http://bugs.x2go.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1055|#1055]] | Alex, Ulrich, 
Vadim, Mihai? |
- | getting the python-broker to work as expected (session reconnects) and 
properly documented | Heinz, Romana, Juri, Stefan, Mihai? |
+ | getting the python-broker to work as expected
(session reconnects) and properly documented | Heinz, Juri, Stefan, Mihai? |
 | preparing Heinz' Raspberry Pis software-wise so they can be sent to our 
hosting provider | one or more of Mihai, Alex, Heinz? |
 | Bugs 
 client-side printing/include PDF viewer with windows client | Mike#2 |
 | Updating [[doc:usage:desktop-sharing|Session Shadowing documentation]] | Any 
volunteers? |
 | General Bugsquashing/Triaging | everyone else |
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@
 | 11.30h-12.30h | Open Coding Session / Bugsquashing | Everyone |
 | 12.30h-13.30h | **45-50min lunch break** immediately followed by Conference 
Room Cleaning Rage //important: start dishwasher ASAP// | Everyone |
 | 13.30h-14.00h | Open Coding Session / Bugsquashing | Everyone |
 | 14.00h-14.10h | first conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff - ** 
Mihai, Mike#2, Stefan will have to leave afterwards ** /
Florian Wicke will have to leave afterwards ||
- | 14.10h-??:??h | Open Coding Session (bugsquashing) - if Vadim, Heinz and 
Romana wish to stay longer (hard deadline: 17:00h) ||
+ | 14.10h-??:??h | Open Coding Session (bugsquashing) - if Vadim, and Heinz 
wish to stay longer (hard deadline: 17:00h) ||
 | @end | second conference room inspection w/ Linuxhotel staff / **End of 
Event** ||
=== Sunday Coding Session ===
 ^ Topic ^ Participants ^
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@
^ Departure time ^ Participant(s) ^
 | 14:00h | Vadim, Florian, Carpool of Ulrich, Mihai, Mike#2, Juri and Stefan |
- | 17:00h | Heinz and Romana (as "last resort", if someone wishes to stay 
longer than 14:00h) |
+ | 17:00h | Heinz (as "last resort", if someone wishes to stay longer than 
14:00h) |
===== Travelling =====

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