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Date        : 2016/09/20 22:24
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Old Revision: 
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:development:release-howto-mswin
Edit Summary: ver-mswin -> release/ver-mswin We've been doing this for a while.
User        : mikedep333

@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 Also to code.x2go.org via SSH.
^ Variable ^ Meaning ^
 | ''<ver>'' | Existing released version. For example,  |
- | ''<ver-mswin>'' | Branch off of a released version. For example, |
+ | ''<release/ver-mswin>'' | Branch off of a released version. For example, |
 | ''<ver-YYYYMMDD>'' | New Windows-specific version. For example, (for February 1st, 2015) |
 | ''<ver-YYYYMMDD-mswin>'' | Git tag for the new Windows-specific version. For 
example, (for February 1st, 2015) |
 | ''<component>'' | Git name of the to-be-released component. |
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
 ^  No  ^  Command  ^  Tips / Comment  ^
 |  1  | <code bash>git clone ...</code> | Clone repository on on your machine 
(cygwin) with git, if it doesn't already exist. |
 |  2  | <code bash>cd <component></code> | |
 |  3  | <code bash>git fetch --all </code> | If the repo already exists, you 
will follow this step instead of step 1. |
- |  4  | <code bash>git checkout -b <ver-mswin> <ver> </code> | | Creates a 
branch off of the released tag
+ |  4  | <code bash>git checkout -b <release/ver-mswin> <ver> </code> | | 
Creates a branch off of the released tag
If a branch already exists:
 ^  No  ^  Command  ^  Tips / Comment  ^
 |  1  | <code bash>git clone ...</code> | Clone repository on on your machine
(cygwin) with git, if it doesn't already exist. |
 |  2  | <code bash>cd <component></code> | |
- |  3  | <code bash>git checkout <ver-mswin></code> | Only necessary, if 
you're not already on the branch. Check via ''git status''. |
+ |  3  | <code bash>git checkout <release/ver-mswin></code> | Only necessary, 
if you're not already on the branch. Check via ''git status''. |
 |  4  | <code bash>git pull --rebase</code> | Always make sure the repository 
is up-to-date. |
Continue with the release process:

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