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Edit Summary: [IBM Linux on Power event @ IBM Zürich, Switzerland (2015-06-09)] User : stefanbaur

@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
==== IBM Linux on Power event @ IBM Zürich, Switzerland (2015-06-09) ====
 IBM kindly offered us another demo spot for X2Go at their Zürich "Increase your 
business performance with Linux on Power" event.
 Stefan and Mihai represented X2Go at this event ( Mike#1 couldn't make it to 
this one as well due to a personal scheduling conflict).
- {{:events:img_0305.jpg?250|Preparing ourselves for our guests}} 
{{:events:img_0312.jpg?250|Visitors from
adcubum}} + {{:events:img_0305.jpg?300|Preparing ourselves for our guests}}{{:events:img_0312.jpg?300|Visitors from adcubum}} ==== IBM Linux on Power event @ IBM Frankfurt, Germany (2015-05-07) ====
 IBM kindly offered us a demo spot for X2Go at their Frankfurt "Increase your 
business performance with Linux on Power" event.
 Mike#1, Stefan and Mihai represented X2Go at this event.

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