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Edit Summary: [TUEBIX 2017, Tuebingen, Germany (2017-06-24)] User : stefanbaur

@@ -18,13 +18,11 @@
   * As in the previous years, there's a sub-page with all the details:  
[[events:x2go-gathering-2017|Read more here...]]
==== TUEBIX 2017, Tuebingen, Germany (2017-06-24) ====
   * http://www.tuebix.org/
-   * Date confirmed
-   * CfP ist out, Stefan submitted two talks they can choose from (a 25 minute 
and a 55 minute one)
-   * CfP ends 2017-05-21, ACK/NAK will be sent by 2017-05-28
- - + * Booth & Talk confirmed
+   * Talk title: Thin Clients, Big Irons - X2Go als
skalierbare Remote Desktop-Lösung (Thin Clients, Big Irons - X2Go as a scalable 
Remote Desktop Solution)
+   * While we've had that talk *title* before, the content will be all new and 
with more live demos
 ===== Past Events =====
 ==== LITA - Linux Info Tag Augsburg 2017, Augsburg, Germany (2017-04-22) ====
   * https://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2017/
   * Talk confirmed (re-run of the one from LinuxDay.AT 2016 / CLT2017, with 
some minor updates, starting 16:15 CEST, Room C - complete schedule 
[[https://frab.nixos.community/de/lit2017/public/schedule/0|here]]) - Slides 

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