A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2017/07/03 08:57
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New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2017
Edit Summary: [Pricing Information] User : stefanbaur

@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
 **Sign-Up Deadline: 2017-09-08**
**Cost-Free Cancellation Deadline: 2017-09-12** - //Please sign up ASAP if you intend to attend - we only have a limited amount of beds reserved in advance - first come, first serve. If we're exceeding that number, we run the risk of being unable to accomodate you.//
+ //Please sign up ASAP if you intend to attend - we only have a limited amount 
of beds reserved in advance - first come, first serve. If we're exceeding that
number, we run the risk of being unable to accommodate you.//
 Currently available: 7 out of 10 single rooms, 1 out of 1 double room.
 ==== Entertainment Options ====
   * [[http://www.altmuehltherme.de/|Spa]]
   * [[http://miniaturland-pappenheim.de/|Model Railroad]]

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