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Edit Summary: [Carpool] - Removed unnecessary options, added return route and 
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -276,27 +276,25 @@
 Partially pre-filled, English-language connection info for a connection TO Treuchtlingen 
on Friday: 
Partially pre-filled, English-language connection info for a connection FROM Treuchtlingen on Sunday:
 ==== Carpool ====
+ **KA-S-LB-GUN**
 ^From ^Departure ^To ^Arrival ^
- | **KA-S-UL-A-GUN** ||||
- | Karlsruhe | 09:10h | Stuttgart LiHAS | 10:20h |
- | Stuttgart LiHAS | 10:30h | Ulm | 12:00h |
- | Ulm | 12:10h | Augsburg | 13:30h |
- | Augsburg | 13:35h | Treuchtlingen | 15:00h |
- - Note: Ulm and Augsburg are optional stops. If no one wants to be picked up from there, we'll take a route further North, bypassing these two cities:
- | **KA-S-GUN** ||||
- | Karlsruhe | 10:35h | Stuttgart LiHAS | 11:50h |
- | Stuttgart LiHAS | 12:00h | Treuchtlingen | 15:00h |
- - The latter route, with an optional stop in Ludwigsburg:
- | **KA-S-LB-GUN** ||||
 | Karlsruhe | 10:00h | Stuttgart LiHAS | 11:10h |
 | Stuttgart LiHAS | 11:20h | Ludwigsburg Nestor Hotel | 12:10h |
 | Ludwigsburg Nestor Hotel | 12:20h | Treuchtlingen | 15:00h |
- Note that all these times are subject to change
depending on where we pick up the rental car, Karlsruhe or Stuttgart.
+ Estimated Fuel Costs: 33,00 EUR - 47,85 EUR depending on Diesel vs. Gasoline 
+ + **GUN-UL-S-KA**
+ ^From ^Departure ^To ^Arrival ^
+ | Treuchtlingen | 18:30h | Ulm | 20:20h |
+ | Ulm | 20:30h | Stuttgart LiHAS | 21:50h |
+ | Stuttgart LiHAS | 22:00h | Karlsruhe | 23:05h |
+ + + + Estimated Fuel Costs: 35.00 EUR - 50.75 EUR depending on Diesel vs. Gasoline engine
 ===== Adventure-Campus house rules =====

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