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Date        : 2017/08/24 03:17
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New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:repositories:suse
Edit Summary: Fix typo in OBS warning.
User        : ionic

@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 <note warning>Do not mix-and-match packages from the OBS X2Go SUSE instance with 
packages from the X2Go SUSE repositories. Due to differing version number schemes, you will 
definitely run into problems. If you **really** need to switch between repositories, make 
sure to uninstall all X2Go packages first.</note>
Select one approach listed here, thus either the OBS SUSE X2Go instance repository, or our X2Go (Open-)SUSE repository and stick to it. - <note warning>Currently, the OBS SUSE X2Go
instance is stale. The packages are only being updated irregularly and support will 
likely not provided. This note will be removed once the situation changes. You are 
encouraged to use the X2Go package repository only for the time being.</note>
+ <note warning>Currently, the OBS SUSE X2Go instance is stale. The packages are only 
being updated irregularly and support will likely not be provided. This note will be 
removed once the situation changes. You are encouraged to use the X2Go package repository 
only for the time being.</note>
Unreleased versions and unofficial (related to the Fedora project) release packages are only available directly from the X2Go project, follow the instructions in the [[#adding_the_x2go_repository_to_your_package_system|second section]] to configure your package manager for this. ===== Using the OBS SUSE X2Go Instance Repository =====

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