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Edit Summary: User : stefanbaur

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ====X2Go Events in 2012 ====
- === X2GoHackTrain 2012 (2012-09-30) ===
+ =====X2Go Events in 2012=====
+ ====X2GoHackTrain 2012 (2012-09-30)====
 X2GoHackTrain 2012 started out as a plan for a company-sponsored BBQ for the 
X2Go core developers.
 During the initial planning stages, it turned out that Alex (X2Go Co-Founder) 
would not be able to attend during summer due to his personal commitments, and 
by the time he would be able to attend, temperatures would be too low for an 
enjoyable BBQ.
So, X2GoHackTrain to the rescue: As the owner of the company that wanted to sponsor the BBQ is also a member of a volunteer organization that maintains a heritage Diesel railbus, the decision was made to gather inside the train, have lunch together at a railway station diner along the way, and visit a car museum.

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