A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2017/12/12 08:10
Browser     : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 
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Old Revision: 
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:repositories:debian
Edit Summary: Add Saimaa ESR part, explain what to do with the sources.list 
entry in a more detailed fashion, grammar fixes.
User        : ionic

@@ -42,17 +42,23 @@
 # X2Go Repository (release builds)
 deb http://packages.x2go.org/debian stretch extras main
 # X2Go Repository (sources of release builds)
 deb-src http://packages.x2go.org/debian stretch extras main
+ + # X2Go Repository (Saimaa ESR builds)
+ #deb http://packages.x2go.org/debian stretch extras saimaa
+ # X2Go Repository (sources of Saimaa ESR builds)
+ #deb-src http://packages.x2go.org/debian stretch
extras saimaa
# X2Go Repository (nightly builds)
 #deb http://packages.x2go.org/debian stretch extras heuler
 # X2Go Repository (sources of nightly builds)
 #deb-src http://packages.x2go.org/debian stretch extras heuler
+ **Edit this new data** and make sure to uncomment desired components and comment non-desired components. Only one group may be active at a given time. Switching between components requires uninstalling all X2Go packages first! - **Note:** If you have not got a folder ''/etc/apt/sources.list.d/'' add the lines to ''/etc/apt/sources.list''.
+ **Note:** If you have not got a directory named ''/etc/apt/sources.list.d/'' 
add the lines to ''/etc/apt/sources.list''.
==== Synchronize the Newly Added Repository's Metadata ==== Please perform an update of your APT package database:

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