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Date        : 2018/01/24 18:24
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Old Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1513121537
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: individual NTP server support
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -846,8 +846,9 @@
   * ''ldap1=ldap-backupserver-1.example.com:389'' - this allows you to specify 
the first of up to two LDAP backup servers when using LDAP authentication
* ''ldap2=ldap-backupserver-2.example.com:389'' - this allows you to specify the second of up to two LDAP backup servers when using LDAP authentication * ''nodpms'' - Will not touch DPMS settings at all (by default, ''blank=0'' does both ''xset s off'' and ''xset -dpms''). Use this along with ''blank=n'' if
you do want to blank the screen, but your screen is confused by DPMS settings.
   * ''nomagicpixel=1'' or ''nomagicpixel=2'' - you should set ''nomagicpixel=1'' while 
the "magic pixel" (clicking in the upper right corner of the screen will 
minimize a fullscreen session) is still active in thinclient mode (this feature is 
expected to be disabled at some point in the future). ''nomagicpixel=1'' will disable the 
window manager when exactly 3 windows are detected (that's the usual situation when a 
fullscreen session is active). It will re-enable openbox whenever more or less than 3 
windows are detected. If this fails for you, you can try ''nomagicpixel=2'', which will 
try to trigger on the window-minimize command and restore it to fullscreen (this will 
cause a short screen flickering effect). Note that ''nomagicpixel=2'' will make your 
ThinClient unusable when trying to run the actual X2Go-TCE client as a virtual machine 
guest (the //X2GoServer// you connect to may be a VM guest, no
problems there). To live with the magic pixel bug, simply do not add this 
option at all.
+   * ''ntp="server1 server2 ... servern'' - this allows you to specify your 
own NTP server.  If this parameter is not used, time will be synced with standard 
Debian NTP servers.  To disable NTP syncing entirely, use ''ntp=false'' (fixed in 
github repo, soon in x2go repo)
 - Allows you to add an ssh public key file to the ThinClient, so your 
administrators can log in remotely using SSH. Note that this file needs to be 
chmodded 644, not 600, on the web server.  **Attention: Whoever manages to 
spoof this server name will have root access to your ThinClients.** Using HTTPS 
will mitigate this - an attacker would not only have to spoof the server name, 
but also the matching certificate.
   *  ''session=sessionname'' - use this to specify a session by name that 
should be pre-selected on startup. The
name must be listed in the sessions file and may only contain characters from the 
following charset: //a-zA-Z0-9.:/ _-// (We suggest naming the default session ''default'' 
and using ''session=default''.) When using a session name with blanks, please enclose the 
sessionname in either single or double quotes, like so: ''session="session 
name"'' / ''session='session name'''
   * ''tcpprint'' - Will allow you to use local LPT/USB printers like "dumb" network 
printers (listening to port 9100 and above). Requires MAC->IP mapping in DHCP server (and 
optionally, DNS->IP mapping), or static IPs - else your print jobs will end up on random 
devices. This setup is preferred over the X2GoClient's built-in printing for locally attached 
printers if X2GoServer and ThinClients are on the same network. It is not recommended when your 
X2Go connection goes across the internet or when the ThinClient is actually a laptop roaming 
between different networks. **Attention: When used without
''tcpprintonlyfrom'' (see below), this means anyone that can reach your thin client via e.g. ping can also send print jobs to it!** * ''tcpprintonlyfrom=x.x.x.x'' - Will allow you to specify which IP address may connect to Port 9100 and above for printing to a locally attached LPT/USB printer. This should be the IP of your CUPS server or whatever print server system you use. Understands the same syntax as ''xinetd'''s ''only_from''. @@ -1131,9 +1132,9 @@
 FIXME At least when building a stretch TCE on a jessie system, you need to add 
kernel parameters ''net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0'' to the image's kernel 
parameters, else you will receive error messages about the hostname script 
being unable to find eth0. This might not be necessary when building a stretch 
TCE on stretch. For a jessie TCE on jessie, it is not required.
FIXME <del>There might be a race condition between the scripts handling the sshd keyfile and the ssh private key file copy task (/config ...), causing one
to umount the fixed disk before the other is done reading/copying. What's weird is 
that there already is code that is supposed to keep this from happening, but it 
doesn't.</del> fixed in github repo, soon in x2go repo
- FIXME Setting the time via NTP will fail if the TC can't establish a connection to an NTP server via the internet. It would make sense to allow specifying an internal NTP server via a boot parameter.
+ FIXME <del>Setting the time via NTP will fail if the TC can't establish a 
connection to an NTP server via the internet. It would make sense to allow specifying an 
internal NTP server via a boot parameter.</del> fixed in github repo, soon in x2go 
FIXME <del>copysecring currently does not work in MiniDesktop-Mode, as it copies the keys to the wrong user's homedir.</del> fixed in github repo, soon in x2go repo FIXME blank=, broker-url=, ldap=, ldap1=, ldap2=, session=, throttle=, xinerama=, are currently unsupported in MiniDesktop-Mode. This could be
changed, given enough tuits.

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