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Date        : 2018/11/10 11:51
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Old Revision: 
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2018
Edit Summary: [Saturday 2018-11-10] Updated Schedule
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -137,19 +137,18 @@
 | 10.55h-11:15h     | Client improvements, Linux, Windows, macOS | //Mihai// |
 | 11.15h-11.20h     | ** 5min ** break ||
 | 11.20h-11.50h     | NX-Libs: Problems encountered during development / 
something about VcXSrv | Uli |
 | 11.50h-11.55h     | ** 5min ** break ||
- | 11.55h-12.15h     | Discussion Slot - more general NX-Libs discussion 
(BIG-REQUESTS, Xinerama, Telekinesis, GLX, ...) | Mike#1, Mihai, Uli |
- | 12.15h-12.20h     | ** 5min ** break ||
- | 12.20h-12.40h     |
Demo: X2Go on POWER LE and browser performance in general | //Stefan, Mihai// |
+ | 11.55h-12.40h     | Discussion Slot - more general NX-Libs discussion 
(BIG-REQUESTS, Xinerama, Telekinesis, GLX, ...) | Mike#1, Mihai, Uli |
 | 12.40h-13.10h     | ** 30min ** lunch break ||
 | 13.10h-13.30h     | Demo: Arctica Greeter with X2Go Logon | Mike#1 |
 | 13.30h-13.35h     | ** 5min ** break ||
 | 13.35h-14.05h     | Demo/Discussion: Current state of the Python Broker, 
Feature Requests (30 Minutes) | Mike#1 |
 | 14.05h-14.15h     | ** 10min ** break ||
 | 14.15h-14:45h     | Discussion: What are the most pressing issues in 
X2Go/NX-Libs (30 Minutes) | Stefan |
 | 14.45h-14.55h     | ** 10min ** break ||
- | 14.55h-17:00h     | Open Coding | Split up in teams |
+ | 14.55h-15.15h     | Demo: X2Go on POWER LE and browser performance in 
general | //Stefan, Mihai// |
+ | 15.15h-17:00h     | Open Coding | Split up in teams |
 | ~ 17.00h          | Heinz should arrive by now ||
17.00h-18.00h     | Open Coding/Open Cooking | Mike#1 is in charge of the 
kitchen, everyone assists as needed |
 | 18.00h-19:00h     | ** 60min ** dinner break (this includes cleanup) ||
 | 19.00h-bedtime    | Open Coding | Split up in teams |

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