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Date        : 2019/06/18 09:40
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New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2019
Edit Summary: [Important ToDos] User : stefanbaur

@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
     * Trip to 
 Museum]] - Linuxhotel has suggested they could pull some strings for us to get 
guided a tour on Saturday, where the museum is usually closed for visitors.
     * UNESCO World Heritage Site "Zeche Zollverein" - we've been there once, 
but we haven't seen the coking plant yet. Individual guided tours (max. 20 participants) 
cost at least
120 EUR, though - possibly more when in English :-(
     * Maybe a guided tour through our usual Saturday dinner location, 
   * Finalize schedule
-   * Update pricing information and list of available rooms
+   * Update <del>pricing information and</del> list of available rooms
 ===== Responsibilities =====
* planning and preparation - **Stefan**
   * carpooling option for the Karlsruhe-Frankfurt-Essen route - we might have 
2 carpools (Uli/Juri) (**Mihai**/**Stefan**) to choose from - 
**[[ionic+k...@ionic.de|Mihai Moldovan]]**

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