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Date        : 2019/09/11 14:24
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Edit Summary: [Friday 2019-09-27] Updated Check-in Time
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@
<note important>schedule/times are subject to change until this note is removed</note> ^ Time slot ^ Topic ^ Speaker / Moderator ^ Comment ^
- | 12:00h| Check-In starts  | //Mirko// | Quick introduction to Linuxhotel's 
house rules, distribution of room keys |
+ | 14:00h| Check-In starts  | //Mirko// | Quick introduction to Linuxhotel's 
house rules, distribution of room keys |
 | xx:xxh |
informal get-together | | COMPUTERS VERBOTEN, Smartphones frowned upon! (except 
for showing holiday or family pictures and the like) - You're supposed to get 
to know the people behind the code |
 | xx:xxh | Sausage-/Steak-Shopping for the BBQ (in case of rain/bad weather: 
Order Pizza) | **Stefan**, **Mihai**, whoever wants to tag along | |
 | 16:30h | fire up the BBQ | | |
 | 17:30h | have fun eating Steak/Sausages/Pizza, have a drink and get to know 
the other participants' X2Go-related work, BoF meetings | Grillmeister role TBD 
- TODO |

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