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Date        : 2019/09/23 11:37
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Old Revision: 
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2019
Edit Summary: [Saturday 2019-09-28] added some more "everyone/everyone 
interested" entries
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@
 | 11:55h-12:15h | Last year's changes and improvements to NX-libs | Uli |
 | 12:15h-12:20h | ** 5min ** break ||
 | 12:20h-13:00h | HTML5 Client for X2Go (40 minutes) | Mike#1 |
 | 13:00h-14:00h | Lunch is served / h1 arrives around 13:30h | everyone |
- | 14:00h-17:30h | BoF meetings, coding session | | takes place in the 
conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are
available for "BoFing out" |
+ | 14:00h-17:30h | BoF meetings, coding session | everyone interested | takes place in 
the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are available for "BoFing 
out" |
 | 17:00h | option to leave for Unperfekthaus for dinner (attention: we do not 
have a table reservation) and evening entertainment, there's a concert by the 
[[http://coverband-flashback.de/|Flashback Rolling Stones Tribute Band]] 
starting 19:00  | everyone interested |
| 17:00h | order Pizza | all "remainers" | - | 17:00h-until bedtime | BoF meetings, coding session; eat Pizza inbetween | | takes place in the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are available for "BoFing out" |
+ | 17:00h-until bedtime | BoF meetings, coding session; eat Pizza inbetween | everyone 
interested | takes place in the conference room; WG meeting room and Chimney Room are 
available for "BoFing out" |
=== Saturday Coding Session === ^ Topic ^ Participants ^ BoF Room suggestion

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