A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2020/09/18 17:21
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Old Revision: 
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2020
Edit Summary: [Event Schedule] Fixed scheduling error
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
 | 18:40h-18:50h | ** 10min ** break ||
 | 18:50h-19:10h | libx2goclient/X2Go Plugin for Remmina | Mihai |
 | 19:10h-19:20h | ** 10min ** break ||
 | 19:20h-19:50h | Last year's changes and improvements to NX-libs | Uli |
- | 19:30h-19:40h | ** 10min ** break ||
- | 19:40h-20:00h | An X2Go Use Case: Computational Fluid Dynamics as a cloud 
service | Chris Greenshields (CFD.direct) |
- | 20:00h-20:10h | ** 10min ** break ||
- |
20:10h-20:30h | Realtime audio compression in QVD: Benefits, implementation and 
challenges | Vadim Troshchinskiy (QVD) |
+ | 19:50h-19:55h | ** 5min ** break ||
+ | 19:55h-20:15h | An X2Go Use Case: Computational Fluid Dynamics as a cloud 
service | Chris Greenshields (CFD.direct) |
+ | 20:15h-20:20h | ** 5min ** break ||
+ | 20:20h-20:50h | Realtime audio compression in QVD: Benefits, implementation 
and challenges | Vadim Troshchinskiy (QVD) |
 | 20:30h-20:40h | ** 10min ** break ||
 | 20:40h-open end | Virtual Open Coding/Bugsquashing||

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