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New Revision        : https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:start
Date of New Revision: 2021/10/29 13:27
Edit Summary        : [2021-01-23 - Pi and More 12 1/4, Germany - Virtual Event 
-  9:30h to 17:30h] 
User                : stefanbaur

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@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
    * Virtual booth confirmed
    * Booth info here: 
    * Sadly, no talk :'(
- ==== 2021-01-23 - Pi and More 12 1/4, Germany - Virtual Event -  9:30h to 
17:30h ====
+ ==== 2021-01-23 - Pi and More 12 1/4, Germany, virtual event -  9:30h to 
17:30h ====
    * All event info (schedule etc.) can be found 
    * Talk (in German) by Stefan: 
[[https://youtu.be/XFxt89oy5Tc?t=21376|X2Go-ThinClientEdition-Live - now also 
for the Raspberry Pi?]] at 15:00h 
    * Don't miss out on Stefan's earlier talk (unrelated to X2Go, also in 
German), [[https://youtu.be/XFxt89oy5Tc?t=15975|The Grannophone - a video phone 
for the elderly and dementia patients]] at 13:30h
    * Links lead to the proper position in the livestream's recording; audio 
quality isn't too great, they're working on that
  ===== Previous Years =====
  [[events:2020]] [[events:2019]] [[events:2018]] [[events:2017]] 
[[events:2016]] [[events:2015]] [[events:2014]] [[events:2013]] [[events:2012]]

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