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New Revision        : https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-spread-2021.5
Date of New Revision: 2022/08/05 09:12
Edit Summary        : Added Topics/Ideas
User                : stefanbaur

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@@ -14,4 +14,22 @@
  Why another virtual event?
  We were monitoring the Covid-19 situation very closely and had hoped for a 
chance to host a real-life or hybrid event in early July, as the earlier 
forecasts (e.g. 
[[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FUETf4KWUAAOGhd?format=jpg&name=small|this one]] 
seemed to indicate a low incidence by then. Sadly, once the BA.5 variant of 
Covid-19 took over, the forecasts had to be updated, leaving us with no other 
chance than to go fully virtual again, as you can 
[[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTbKwjuXoAAUKnt?format=jpg&name=medium|see here]].
+ **Unsorted list of topics/ideas (not final, open to suggestions)**
+   *  X2Go's "State of the Union" Talk
+   * Talk presenting X2Go's integration into Remmina
+   * (Lib)X2GoClient & X2Go Internals 2021     
+   * Turning Feature Requests into Donations/Bounties - Cleanup of 
+   * Release KDrive Server component
+   * Current state of HTML5 Client Talk/Demo
+   * Release HTML5 Client (Probably not before end of year?)
+   * Current state of NX-Libs (Uli?)
+   * Release new NX-Libs
+   * Release X2Go-TCE-Bullseye
+   * X2Go-TCE on Raspberry Pi
+   * Migrate to Gitlab
+   * X2Go Broker Demo Environment/LDAPS

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