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Old Revision        : 
New Revision        : https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-spread-2021.5
Date of New Revision: 2022/11/28 16:19
Edit Summary        : Added pointer to The Spread 2022
User                : stefanbaur

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@@ -11,14 +11,12 @@
  **Sponsorship:** As this is a purely virtual event, we are not in need for 
event sponsors. However, X2Go could still use some more donations to cover 
hosting costs, so if you have a few $$$/€€€/£££ to spare, you can find our 
donation forms here:
donation form]]
    *  [[https://www.wirwunder.de/projects/111056?wirwunder=235|German-language 
donation form]]
- Watch this space for updates.
  ** Join us here: https://meet.ffmuc.net/X2GoTheSpread2021Dot5 (Jitsi Meet, 
requires Chrome/Chromium/Brave, please do not use Firefox unless you really 
have no other choice) **
- A separate, virtual event called X2Go: The Spread 2022 will hopefully take 
place in late Q4/2022 - most likely online as well.
+ A separate, virtual event called X2Go: The Spread 2022 will take place from 
2022-12-12 to 2022-12-16 (i.e. roughly two weeks from 2021.5). Details for that 
event can be found [[events:x2go-spread-2022|here]].
  <note important>
  **Why another virtual event?**
@@ -26,14 +24,10 @@
  We were monitoring the Covid-19 situation very closely and had hoped for a 
chance to host a real-life or hybrid event in early July, as the earlier 
forecasts (e.g. 
[[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FUETf4KWUAAOGhd?format=jpg&name=small|this one]]) 
seemed to indicate a low incidence by then. Sadly, once the BA.5 variant of 
Covid-19 took over, the forecasts had to be updated, leaving us with no other 
chance than to go fully virtual again, as you can 
[[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTbKwjuXoAAUKnt?format=jpg&name=medium|see here]].
  **What's that name all about?**
  As our idea of running an annual [[events:2012|hacktrain]] had to be 
cancelled permanently back in 2014, we chose the name "X2Go: The Gathering" for 
the new type of annual event we hosted since then. This year, the //spread// of 
the of the Corona virus around the globe and across Germany makes it impossible 
for us to gather safely, which is why we are meeting virtually instead, while 
being physically //spread// out across the real world.
  Also, for everyone actively taking part in the event, please be prepared to 
show your favorite breakfast //spread// while on camera. ;)
  **Unsorted list of topics/ideas (not final, open to suggestions)**

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