Hello, all.  We're finally headlong into refining our X2Go deployment
and turning up lots of little issues.  We're perfectly happy to dig
through the scripts and even submit any patches we make rather than
pester the list for each issue.  However, is there any documentation
outlining what the steps are in the process of setting up and tearing
down an X2Go session? That would save us wading through all the scripts
to see how their strung together.

For example, we're seeing a problem where our local file and print
mounts are not being removed when a session is terminated.  We'll just
work our way through the process to see what we have set up wrong but
would like to know what that process is.

I took a quick look on the X2Go web site, the berliosz site, and the
repository but nothing jumped out at me other than to download all the
packages and start reading through them.  Thanks - John

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