On Mon, 2010-03-22 at 22:19 +0100, Peter Puk wrote:
> As described here: http://www.x2go.org/index.php?id=72
> Quote: "You may share their displays to help them or to discuss your 
> projects."
> How can i share a desktop, or as i understand:
> "login to an already running desktop, to support the current working user."
> In what way can i manage that. I'm already to access the "server" and 
> login to another user, but not take over an existing session.
Hi, Ronnie.  I don't know a lot about these capabilities but I see that
no one more knowledgeable has responded so I'll take my best shot :-)

I believe X2Go currently supports their SpyGlass product.  This would
allow one desktop to see thumbnails of multiple desktops and, I assume,
then zoom in on an individual one.  I have never used it.

NoMachine does have a shadowing facility.  With it, one can open a new
session to an NX server which shadows and existing one.  It is slower
than native NX as it uses VNC, I believe, to perform its magic.  I do
not believe this is implemented in X2Go yet but is imminent.

In our environment, we opted to go for neither.  Specifically for our
environment, we found it was more practical to create a share/use
desktop icon on the virtual desktop.  Our users use their X2Go desktop
as their primary work space.  To have them leave it to open another X2Go
client in order to shadow another user seemed more complicated than we
needed and involved educating the users about choosing a shadow session
rather than just letting them click on the icon, take the defaults we
set, and work.  Now, they simply click on the Share Desktop icon to
allow others to see their desktop or View Another Desktop icon to
connect to another desktop.  All our users are remote but all their
virtual desktops are on the same network.  Thus, the performance is
splendid and we are using native NX to bring the shared desktop back to
the end user.  Much faster than shadowing.

The challenge for us was sharing display :0.  We are using Debian Lenny
desktops with KDE 3.  Krfb is broken (as it is in Ubuntu, too) and, even
when it does work is slow.  Regular vncserver does not share display :0
but creates a new display.

Our solution was to use x11vnc.  It is about the ugliest GUI I have ever
seen and is a bear to configure but it is blazingly fast and allows
access to display :0.  We then chose xvnc4viewer as the viewer rather
than Krdc.  Krdc evidenced some instability when used with X11vnc.

If it would be helpful, I can post our procedure and set up to the list.
Hope this helps - John

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