On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 14:07 +0200, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> hi list-folks,
> what kind of home dir setup does x2go expect/support.
> 1. Scenario I tried...
> My default scenario: homes rest on an NFS server, homes are mounted as  
> NFS homes with kerberos security (sec=krb5i or sec=krb5p).
> Everything seems to work fine apart from x2go printing (I mentioned  
> this issue in another posting).
> 2. Scenario I tried...
> I have two x2goservers, tied together with postgres, but without  
> explicit x2go  LDAP tweaks. Each server has its own homes, only real  
> data (no configs) is shared via Autofs-NFS in /home/<user>/MyDocuments.
> This means: /home/<user> on <host1> is different from /home/<user> on <host2>.
> x2go printing now works (no file copying onto NFS share as root  
> anymore), but x2golistsessions throws a bug:
> m...@vidar:~$ x2golistsessions --all-servers
> vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
> tail:  
> ,,/home/<client-user>/.x2go/C-<server-user>-53-1277893552_stDLXDE_dp24/session.log\''
>  kann nicht zum Lesen geƶffnet werden: No such file or  
> directory
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> 21577|<server-user>-53-1277893552_stDLXDE_dp24|53|<host1>.das-netzwerkteam.de|R|30.06.10
>  12:25:52|fa4f8eb2071a396e215efbd048f3a5b7|<client-ip>|30007|30008|30.06.10  
> 12:25:54|<server-user>|3417|30009
> 26895|<server-user>-51-1277893678_stDGNOME_dp24|51|<host2>.das-netzwerkteam.de|R|30.06.10
>  12:27:58|b8b9058a32fd73ce3ae02cbae8aab605|<client-ip>|30004|30005|30.06.10  
> 12:27:59|<server-user>|3292|30006
> Question: which scenarios have you already implied, which may be  
> missing or are untested? What home dir setup is most preferred from  
> the developers' point of view?
We have taken a somewhat different approach.  To promote portability and
other factors, home directories are on a SAN and presented to a VServer
host via iSCSI.  These are then mounted into VServer guests using mount
--rbind commands.  This creates great scalability, performance, and
isolation but the lack of important POSIX capabilities in the VServer
guests makes for some challenges - John

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