I just spent some time going through your documentation and patches. These are very nice. We are not using any containers at the moment (had considered but shelved the idea previously) but the patches can be applicable to a VM setup as well. I like the trigger idea you developed. Although a lot of people like to keep the logic out of the db, in certain instances it makes perfect sense. In a VM setup some of this could be simplified because of not dealing with the security restrictions of the container environment.

Thanks for sharing these. When I get a little more time I'll try to make another pass through them.


On 07/02/2010 07:57 AM, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
Hello, all.  We recently found a condition where the VServer patches we
submitted conflict with the x2golistsessions script running on the X2Go
Servers.  We have revised the patches.  Since most of the patches seemed
to get lost in the LinuxTag excitement and never posted, I'll repost
them all in dependency order.

No offense taken if they are deemed useless.  We need them for our
environment and just thought we'd share them.  Improvements are always
welcome.  They can probably be reworked so they can be configurable
options rather than complete replacements for many of the scripts but we
have not had time to be that elegant.  Thanks - John

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