On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 20:03 +0200, Joerg Sawatzki wrote:
> Hey list,
> the state of Lower Saxony, Germany is currently developing a portable
> learning environment for schools - see http://www.n-stick.de .
> Some schools with a good internet connection asked whether it is
> possible to start and run applications on a remote terminal server
> within this platform. Apart from that it might happen that the state
> will run a terminal server cluster that provides a standard set of
> educational applications ready to use through VPN/web.
> These ideas and requirements made me have a deeper look at the internals
> of x2go and I developed a python library that can be used to easily
> build an x2go client - on win32 and linux.
> At the moment it is only a code snippet, but it is already quite good
> for demo purposes.
> http://github.com/joerg86/pyx2go
> Have a look at it and tell me what you think.
> Questions, contributions and feedback are very welcome.
A neat idea! Thank you - John

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