On Tue, 2010-09-07 at 09:48 +0200, Arjen Roodselaar wrote:
> Hi list,
> We considering migrating from our current Linux terminal servers solution to 
> X2GO. During tests however, we discovered copy/paste from a Windows client to 
> Linux server is not available. Since this is a show stopper for us we're 
> considering developing this ourself and contributing this functionality to 
> the project. Is the source of the latest Windows client available somewhere 
> so we can have a look at it?
I'm not entirely sure but I believe a zip of the source is available

I had started looking into the change you are looking for and it seems
trivial.  The Xming parameters are hard coded and do not include
--clipboard nor do they honor --fullscreen.  I had started to work on a
patch but I do not have a good Windows development environment and the
source failed to compile for me before making any changes - something
about a GUI event being called in a thread (I believe Qt GUI events can
only be called from the main thread and subordinate threads need to
trigger an event in the main thread to alter the GUI).  I have not had
the time to track it down.

I believe I heard that the fullscreen problem is fixed in the next X2Go
release.  I do not know if the clipboard issue is.  I would be very
interested in a fix for both issues.  Good luck - John

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