On Wed, 2010-10-06 at 09:57 +0200, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> hi folks,
> we have discussed this earlier, but I think there was no real common  
> opinion afterwards....
> On X2go server and client each session produces its own session  
> directory in the ~/.x2go directory.
>  From the perspective of the X2go client: is there a proper reason to  
> keep these session directories (apart from debugging)???
> I am asking because I plan to integrate session-dir-purging-support  
> into Python X2go: after a session has been suspended/terminated the  
> session dir on the client will be deleted.
> Any comments?
> Greets,
> Mike
Alas, I have no knowledgeable comment but I'd like to know why we keep
them.  They really seem to clutter the user directories - John

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