On Wed, 2010-10-06 at 14:03 +0000, Brett wrote:
> X2Go client worked fine for me under Mac OS X for a 
> while and suddenly it stopped working giving me the 
> "Can't connect to X-Server. Please check your
> settings" error. I followed the steps outlined above 
> and was still receiving the error. I resolved it by 
> quitting X11.app and deleting my X11 preferences file
> located in /Users/Username/Library/Preferences/org.x.X11.plist
> . Once deleted, I started X11.app again, configured it to 
> "Allow connections from network clients" and X2Go 
> client worked again. I am currently running Mac OS X 
> 10.6.3 although I am unsure which version I was 
> running when I installed X2Go client and had it
> working initially. I hope this helps someone.
> -Brett
Thanks for passing this tip along.  I'll keep it on file - John

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