----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> I am attempting to compile the win client and have installed the QT
> SDK, MinGw and the x2goclient sources. They have been added to the
> environment path to allow the compilation binaries to be found. The
> readme says that one should rename x2goclient.pro with
> x2goclient.pro.windows yet the latter file does not exist?
> I decided to press on and ran qmake followed by make which completed
> without any errors. I found the x2goclient.exe within the debug
> directory and once I ran it the normal client screen popped up but was
> immediately followed by the error "Runtime Error!" from the Microsoft
> Visual C++ Runtime Library.
> Would very much appreciate some help in resolving the problem please.

Okay I have now got it to start vcxsrv, sshd and pulse by copying the 
x2goclient.exe binary to c:\program files\x2goclient\ though when I try and 
connect to a session it just hangs on connecting :( The code I changed was in 
onmainwindow.cpp to the following:

/* xorg-> setWorkingDirectory ( appDir+"\\xming" ); */
/* xorg->start ( appDir+"\\xming\\xming.exe",args ); */
xorg-> setWorkingDirectory ( "C:\\program files\\vcxsrv" );
xorg->setEnvironment ( env );
xorg->start ( "C:\\program files\\vcxsrv\\vcxsrv.exe",args );

What I have noticed though it that the binary I compile is huge compared to the 
one that is shipped.  Is that due to it being in some sort of debug mode or has 
the binary been stripped ?
Thanks, Phil
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