On Wed, 2010-11-17 at 17:26 +0000, Robin Green wrote:
> At Wed, 17 Nov 2010 11:56:01 -0500,
> John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> > Hi, Robin.  I don't have an exact answer for you but perhaps can spur
> > some ideas.  To get the text back, do you simply need to reconnect or do
> > you need to restart the x2go client?
> No, I just need to reconnect. The compression method was indeed a red herring 
> - it is
> now happening again. I'd like to try another idea that was posted on the 
> FreeNX list,
> and is said to have worked (the problem description on the FreeNX list seems 
> to be
> describing exactly the same problem as I'm having):
> "I just added the option ' -norender ' to the variable
> AGENT_EXTRA_OPTIONS_X  in the file /usr/NX/etc/node.conf"
> Unfortunately, this file does not exist on my server. I guess it's a 
> FreeNX-only thing?
> Or is it just not needed by default with X2Go?
The server side scripting is much different between X2Go and
NoMachine/FreeNX.  There are not, as far as I know, the node.conf and
server.conf files nor the various scripts to hook into the startup
process.  However, the X2Go scripts are reasonably straightforward if
you want to hook them yourself - John

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