On Thu, 2010-12-16 at 21:21 -0500, Neil W. Hunt wrote:
> Ok, another update after 24 hours more of trial-and-error:
> I have tried many combinations and STILL no gnome desktop for Likewise users! 
> I don't understand it, I have tried:
> -10.10 maverick with Likewise 6.0 and x2goserver-one 3.01-1
> -10.10 maverick with Likewise 5.3 and x2goserver-home 3.01-1
> -10.04 lucid with Likewise 5.4 and x2goserver 3.01-5
> Also, I have tried using unspecified domain and default domain (e.g. either 
> "DOMAIN\username" or just "username" when using default domain), same result 
> either way. Authentiction is successful, but no desktop!
> And every time, perfect success with local users (full GNOME desktop), 
> blank/black screen with Likewise users, no matter what x2go client (Linux, 
> Mac, Windows, 3.01-04 all the way through latest 3.01-14)
> Ivan, you are for certain using 10.10 maverick and LW 5.4 and x2goserver (not 
> home/one) and you have never seen this black screen issue at all?
> I'm determined to get this working as I know we will have audio if we can get 
> it!
Might I suggest adding some debugging to the x2go scripts in /usr/bin/.
You can add something like logger -t "X2GO " "I am this point in the
script" at various places to see where it is breaking - John

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