Hi Mike,

On Mi 23 Mär 2011 14:21:12 CET  wrote:

Yes, I know that LDAP is not absolutely necessary. I am using x2go already that way. This is to make a test installation for a presentation of the software with the option of using it for a company, so LDAP is an option. I would like to use it, but I am not experienced with LDAP yet myself and the one who is experienced proposes NX.
Plus one can only gain experiences.

Do you want to use the load balancing support of X2go/LDAP? Or do you just want to administrate users in LDAP.

For the latter, I personally recommend setting up your LDAP tree manually (there are plenty of howtos in the web for this...). For learning LDAP this should be your way to go. Then make sure you can use LDAP as libnss and pam source for passwd, group, shadow. At last you have to make sure that LDAP users are in the x2gousers group (which can be local or also a group in LDAP).

Once you have that, LDAP users can login via X2go.

[Once you have such a simple LDAP DIT up and running you might want to start from scratch and set up an LDAP-server that gets administered by GOsa² or CIPUX ;-) ...]

If you want to use load balancing with X2go, then this should also be possible manually, but basically that's what the scripts were intended for (they were also intended for easy LDAP-setup, but you can do this manually...). However, to my personal view, the LDAP implementation needs quite some work before the Baikal release and also needs proper documentation of the way LDAP data is used and interpreted...

Maybe someone else has experience on LDAP/loadbalancing...



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
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