On Thu, 21 Apr 2011 07:57:07 +0200
Jo-Erlend Schinstad <joerlend.schins...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What I've sometimes done, is to use the WM on the client and then run
> rootless applications from x2go. For instance, if you use gnome-panel
> on the server and the client, you can leave the bottom panel on the
> client side and only leave the top panel on the server side. Then you
> run gnome-panel as a rootless application from the server. This gives
> you a top panel and a bottom panel. On the top panel, you have
> application menus and when you start one, it's run as a rootless
> application. The bottom panel then has a switcher for both local and
> remote applications, so that's fairly seemless. On the bottom panel, I
> then add an applications menu with only the applications I wish to run
> locally.

Thank you for sharing the idea. Somehow what I would like is to have most stuff
running on the server and only some selected applications on the thinclients. 
The start scripts could be added manually to the menue of server applications. 

Regards, Meik

Meik Hellmund
Mathematisches Institut, Uni Leipzig
e-mail: meik.hellm...@math.uni-leipzig.de

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