Hello, all.  This seems to be the most serious and potentially
showstopping issue I've found.  It is a Windows only issue.  It does not
occur in our Linux client testing.

Something is seriously wrong with image packing.  I'm guessing this has
something to do with NXAgent 3.5 but I'm really not sure.  It first
appeared when I install Pyhoca which I am assume pulled in the new
agent.  On the other hand, reverting to 3.0.1-4 did not fix the problem
which has me very suspicious.  I am writing from Linux right now but I
will test that again later.  If it is not the nxagent or the 3.99
client, then we'll need to find whatever it was that Pyhoca pulled in.
I did uninstall ghostscript and vcxsrv after uninstalling Pyhoca.

I can confirm that the problem persists even after backleveling to
3.0.1-4 so I'm not sure that this is specifically 3.99 but it is a
crippling problem.

On to the actual problem.  We normally use 16m-png-jpeg packing which
seems to give us the fastest performance and crispest looking screen on
our WAN only environment.  I'm honestly not sure what this setting
controls.  I assume it means we are compressing png and jpeg images as
opposed to the default 16m-jpeg which then only compresses jpegs? I
don't know what the 16m is - is that the size of the cache?

When we use that from a Windows client now, all the images are
thoroughly corrupted and unusable.  This was noticeable in the desktop
icons and in the KDE splash screen.  We changed the packing to 16m-jpeg
and thought the problem went away because the splash screen and desktop
icons appeared properly.  Our enthusiasm was short-lived.  All jpegs
seems to be corrupt.  The only way we could get a non-corrupt screen was
to use nopack but that made for lousy performance especially when
scrolling a graphics intensive page such as www.wsj.com or www.cnn.com.

Interestingly, even after upgrading, the client details screen says we
are running NXPROXY - version 3.4.0.

I don't know what in the Pyhoca installation caused this but completely
removing Pyhoca and previous x2goclient installations from both file
system and registry and installing 3.99 has not fixed the problem.
Thanks - John

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