On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 13:47 +0200, Oleksandr Shneyder wrote:
Thanks, Alex, for taking the time to investigate.  I'll comment in the
text - John

> Hello all,
> last days I spent some time to test the latest version of x2goclient
> (3.99.0) on different platforms:
> Server
> debian lenny i386, x2goserver-3.0.99-5, nxlibs-3.4.x, x2goagent-3.4.x
> debian squeeze i386, x2goserver-3.0.99-5, nxlibs-3.4.x, x2goagent-3.4.x
> debian squeeze i386, x2goserver-, nxlibs-3.5.x, x2goagent-3.4.x
> debian squeeze i386, x2goserver-, nxlibs-3.5.x, x2goagent-3.5.x
> debian squeeze amd64, x2goserver-3.0.99-5, nxlibs-3.4.x, x2goagent-3.4.x
> debian squeeze amd64, x2goserver-, nxlibs-3.5.x, x2goagent-3.4.x
> debian squeeze amd64, x2goserver-, nxlibs-3.5.x, x2goagent-3.5.x
> Client
> debian lenny i386
> debian squeeze i386
> debian squeeze amd64
> windows7-32
> windows7-64
> I've tested connections in LAN and over Internet and was able to connect
> and work without any serious issues.
> Unfortunately, I can not reproduce some bugs reported of users on this
> mailing list -
> Issues with image packaging,
> Issues with scrolling in firefox

In my reporting, these two issues are related.  The slow Firefox
scrolling is from using pack=none.

As I mentioned, the packing problem may not be strictly 3.99 but it is
definitely a problem.  I have it on Windows XP 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit,
Windows Server 2008 64 bit.  I can confirm all three connecting to
3.0.1-5 X2GoServer and Windows XP on both 3.0.1-5 and

The XP system was a complete rebuilt from the recovery CD with all the
latest patches applied (for hours and hours :(  ).  It did appear to
work correctly with 3.0.1-5 server until I installed PyHoca.  That's
when the problems started.  However, the Windows 7 and Windows Server
2008 systems never had Pyhoca installed.  They have a fresh installation
of 3.99.0.  Oops, 2008 had 3.0.1-4.  I just removed it, deleted all
related files from Program Files, cleaned out the registry of every
reference to x2go and obviouslynice and installed 3.99.0.  Same problem

> Issues with delays after pressing Up/Down arrow keys.

This is not so much an issue with Up/Down arrow keys.  I was using it as
an example of how dramatically slower X2Go is on Windows.  I was using
email selection in Evolution on a large Inbox to illustrate the point as
Evolution has particularly bad screen handling.

> I can imagine, that some of this bugs are system dependent. X2Go uses
> many components - x2go server, client, nxlibs, nx(x2go)agent. Under
> windows x2goclient starts although X-server, SSH server and Pulseaudio
> server. All this components are depended from many system libraries, for
> example libpng, libjpeg, etc.
> Unfortunately, we can not to test X2Go with all possible combinations of
> software installed on user computer. We running our tests on fresh
> installed OS with default set of software. And default options of
> x2goclient (on Windows with default X-server and default command line
> options)
> If you expecting troubles running X2Go, please try, if it possible, to
> install a "clean" OS, without any additional software (f.e. third-part
> firewalls or antivirals on Windows) If X2Go running on such "clean"
> system, you can compare it with you productive system and find out which
> software blocking functionality of X2Go. As example, one of our
> customers found out, that x2go client on Win7 can not connect to server
> if Avast antivirus is installed.

Quite understood and, as I think you know, I'll do whatever I can do to
help but we do need to solve these issues.  The packing one is critical.
It may be a particular combination of packages and I'll enumerate those
next as best I can.  However, we can tell our clients to reinstall the
client but we can't very well tell them to reinstall their OS to ensure
it is clean.  We'll need to find out what combination causes this so we
can both correct it and warn against it.

I've already mentioned the client sides and the Windows packaging is
pretty self contained.  Here's what I see on the server side:

ii  x2goagent                             3.4.0-3-1                             
Special NX-ized client, was developed by NoMachine to handle X sessions
un  x2goclient                            <none>                                
(no description available)
ii  x2gognomebindings                     2.0.1-1                               
Description: x2gognomebindings (GNOME mimetypes for x2go)
ii  x2gokdebindings                       2.0.1-4                               
x2gokdebindings (KDE mimetypes and icons for x2go)
ii  x2goprint                             3.0.0-1                               
x2goprint command
ii  x2goserver                            3.0.1-5                               
x2goserver (daemon and tools)
ii  nxcomp                                3.4.0-1-1                             
NX compression library
ii  nxcompext                             3.4.0-1-1                             
Xcompext Library for nxagent
ii  nxcompshad                            3.4.0-1-1                             
nx based library needed by the x2go system
ii  nxproxy                               3.4.0-2-1                             
NX compression proxy

ii  x2goagent                    
Special NX-ized client, was developed by NoMachine to handle X sessions
un  x2goclient                            <none>                                
(no description available)
un  x2goprint                             <none>                                
(no description available)
ii  x2goserver                   
X2go server daemon scripts
ii  x2goserver-extensions        
X2go server daemon scripts (extensions)
ii  nxcomp                                3.4.0-1-1                             
NX compression library
ii  nxcompext                             3.4.0-1-1                             
Xcompext Library for nxagent
ii  nxcompshad                            3.4.0-1-1                             
nx based library needed by the x2go system
un  nxproxy                               <none>                                
(no description available)

Where shall we look next? Thanks - John

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