On Sat, 2011-09-24 at 01:53 +0200, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> Hi all,
> in a phone conference Heinz, Alex and I have talked about printing not  
> being a very core feature of X2go Server. Esp. the x2goprint use is  
> not needed on X2go Servers that are used without the print facility.
> Because of this I have made a proposal in X2go Git that move X2go  
> client-side printing support back into a separate package  
> (x2goserver-printing).
> Please take a look at the committed changes (x2goserver.git) and comment.
I would agree that is makes sense to keep it as a separate feature.  I
do hope there is no discussion of removing support as I do think X2Go
would be woefully incomplete without it.  Thanks - John

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