Hi Devs,

would it be possible to integrate support (1) for PuTTY-style ssh private key files (*.ppk) into the X2Go client, or (2) to run a ssh-agent (maybe from cygwin, or copied from PuTTY's "pageant.exe") *within* the X2Go client, so other applications can authenticate with the same key?

PuTTY's license does allow copying their code into GPLed code, as it seems.

The idea behind (2) this is that the X2Go client on Windows would be able to provide authentication information to WinSCP and similar tools. (1) would simply make life easier for users that already have a private key stored in PuTTY's format. At present they either have to run PuTTYgen to convert it into the format X2Go client understands, or run pageant.exe, PuTTY's ssh agent.

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