* On 19.05.2012 08:19 PM, Moritz Strübe wrote:
> nope using git is not an option. topgit might be, but it's even worse then
> quilt. If you don't like quilt, stgit might be what you are looking for.
> Unfortunately it is for local use only. If it were possible to use it server
> side it would certainly be an option.

Hm, even more git+patch queue systems...

> Please understand that I'm not going into details why pure git is not an 
> option.

To be honest, that's exactly what I'm asking about. To my mind, a patch queue
system adds rather more complexity to the repository and I don't see any benefit
using it. I'd really be happy if anyone could at least explain the reason for
using quilt. If using pure git is not an option and you're desperately in need
of quilt, then I won't interfere (regardless of my own opinion.)

Still, I'd like to know why it's necessary for you and for that matter what
useful features are brought in by quilt.

Don't worry, I'm not going to start any discussion, if you don't want to, I was
merely dumping my thoughts on this matter and asking for an explanation.

Best regards,


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