Hi All (Hi John):

John, thanks so much for the input - we're trying to use the instructions from: 

...and given that we cannot get do a manual ssh command line connection from 
the cups server/Vserver Host (which is this design we assume is the "ssh 
client") to the x2go server/Vserver Guest (which would then be the "ssh 
server") that that is probably where the problem lies (which we think is what 
John is suggesting).

FYI  though we cannot ping the Vserver guest from the host or visa versa by 
domain name (each can resolve to itself if we ping within the respective 
environments...i.e., in the Vserver host, if we ping "servername.myhost.com" 
the ip resolves),  we think this is some sort of network protocol/firewall 
issue (the inability to ping by domain name) and not the source of the problem, 
but could be wrong.

Are guessing this is an ssh issue and are working to sort that.  We have some 
security concerns about have an active ssh between Vserver guests and hosts, 
but figure we want to get the printing working first and then think about 
possible security issues.

SO...when we first try to connect via ssh commands from the cups server on the 
vserver host to the x2go server on the Vserver guest with the postgreSQL back 
end per 
http://www.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:advanced:multi-node:x2goserver-printing, we 

RSA key fingerprint is dd:04:0f:56:5f:23:a8:71:e6:d8:aa:64:4c:91:16:0d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yesWarning: Permanently 
added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey).

We couldn't get the initial "here's how you move the public key from the client 
to the authorized_keys on the server", so we created /home/x2goprint/.ssh and 
added the public key info to authorized_keys there by hand....this also may be 
the source of the problem.  We've tried checking the permissions and ownership 
on /home/x2goprint and it's .ssh and authorized_keys, as well as the x2go 
servers sshd_config file but no joy yet.  Interestingly, our attempts do create 
a know_hosts file so we think some level of connection occurs.

What's interesting, is that the print jobs show up in the /var/spool/cups logs 
on the cups server (Vserver host), so there seems to be some level of 
connection....sowe're guessing the the correct ssh connection is "the problem" 
we need to fix for x2goprint (the script) to work.

Thanks for the input - may write back with questions, or hopefully "this is how 
we solved this"...


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