Hi dear, Fellows.

i've been working with x2go for some time, but now i'm entrenched with KDE4 
after many years with KDE3 running great with nomachine.

KDE4 is still a mess nowadays.

As anybody knows KDE4 has lots of problems with sizing and resizing of plasma 
panels, screen geometry and other stuff as usal.

So i had to code lots of scripts that take use of x2goserver-run-extensions: 
What these scripts do is resize the plasma-panel and resize the screen 
geometry when resuming a session in case of the resuming is done in another 
Desktop or laptop with a change in resolution.

My problem is that for plasma to assume the new resolution you have to kill it 
and start-it once again after you change plasma-desktop-appletsrc with the new 
values. So, when  you do this after resuming the session, every time you 
move/maximize/minimize a window they slow to a crawl.

How to test/reproduce this sympton.

If you have a x2goserver installed with a kde4 session, kubuntu or other, 
start a session, go to konsole and do:

kquitapp plasma-desktop &&  plasma-desktop &

after plasma start if you try to move any window around everything will be 
allright and fast as before.

After that do the same thing but after a x2gosuspend and in a runing resumed 
session try to move your konsole window around the desktop, it will lag like 
If you this on a real display on your laptop, or in a running session  
everything will run fast as before.

P.S: i'm sending this same email to both user & dev mailing list.

Lab enviroment: Kubuntu 12.10 daily, kde 4.9.2

Best regards,


Helmer Teles 


“Sent from My Linux Operating System”

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