Am 06.12.2012 09:58, schrieb Anders Hallström:

What happens is that directories from the X2Go installation are
suddenly mounted as /etc and /bin in CygWin.
Since fundamental commands such as "/bin/ls" are thereby missing,
nothing works.


After this fix, I can still use X2Go without problems and without
the mounts coming back, so I just cannot see why the mounts were
necessary in the first place.

Sometimes, however, the harmful mounts do come back.
I cannot pinpoint exactly when this happens,
but at least it is not every time I restart the computer and not every
time I run X2Go.

Is this known?
Could some developer explain what is happening?

Well, X2Go uses some Cygwin code for its Windows client.
I've seen weird things happen before when two applications brought their own set of Cygwin libraries and they belonged to different versions, maybe this is a similar issue. Probably something like whoever loads cygwin1.dll first "wins", the other application is blocked from loading its own version of cygwin1.dll and just has to make do with whatever cygwin1.dll is already in memory. After that, it's either an application from the old Cygwin failing because the newer cygwin1.dll is doing something unexpected, or it's a new application failing because the old cygwin1.dll doesn't offer the function that it is expecting.

So, to debug this issue, it would be interesting to see what happens when you first run X2GoClient and keep it in the background, then try to rund your old Cygwin applications, and what happens when you run your old applications first (keeping at least one window of them open) and start X2GoClient afterwards. Also, be aware that it is wrong to assume that all X2Go tasks have been terminated just because you don't see an X2Go icon in your task bar. Running task manager after closing X2GoClient, you may still encounter a running pulseaudio, sshd and/or vcxsrv on your Windows client. If you see these, terminete them from within task manager before running your old cygwin applications and see if that helps. I'm not suggesting that this is the solution to your problem, but I am sure the results will be helpful for the devs to pinpoint the issue.

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