Hi Orion,

On Mi 12 Dez 2012 00:11:02 CET Orion Poplawski wrote:

I'm looking at packaging x2go for Fedora and am running into a few issues which I'm hoping to get resolved.

- bin/Makefile doesn't support DESTDIR. The attached nx-libs-destdir.patch partially addresses that. - The various nx*/configure.in files do not honor passed in compiler flags. The attached nx-libs-optflags.patch fixes that. Note also though that CFLAGS is used in some and CPPFLAGS in others. - Is there a preferred way to install into /usr rather than /usr/local? I ended up doing:
  sed -i -e 's,/usr/local,/usr,' nx-X11/config/cf/site.def
- It would be very nice if you could support installing into /usr/lib64. I had to do the following:

  sed -i -e 's,/lib/nx,/%{_lib}/nx,' nx-X11/config/cf/X11.tmpl
  sed -i -e 's,/usr/lib/,/usr/%{_lib}/,' bin/*

  make install ... USRLIBDIR=/usr/lib64/nx SHLIBDIR=/usr/lib64/nx

  # Make sure x2goagent is linked relative and on 64-bit
  rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/x2go
  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/x2go/bin
  ln -sf ../../nx/bin/nxagent %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/x2go/bin/x2goagent

Can you break this down to a patch against the current nx-libs.git on http://git.x2go.org? If yes, then we will apply that patch (after testing it).

Please note that Jan Engelhard already contributed a patch that addresses flexibility with choosing custom install locations. This patch is found in X2Go Server:

Please base your work on that latest change of code. Also: if possible, only send patches against our code in Git.

- Does not honor passed in CFLAGS. The attached x2goserver-cflags.patch fixes.
- Again, very hard to use /usr/lib64...

I have forwarded the patch to X2Go BTS [1]. Please read [2] before sending more patches. Please use X2Go BTS for reporting bugs, sending patches.

[1] http://bugs.x2go.org/83
[2] http://bugs.x2go.org/Reporting.html

- Required the attached x2goclient-include.patch to build. There is no qt4 prefix on Fedora, and in general that should be specified by -I...

Already in Vcs:



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