Package: x2gobroker
Version: and (git master)

I am trying to setup x2gobroker served via WSGI with the new
x2gobroker-wsgi package. I have opted to setup a vhost that will serve only
clients from my LAN and a different one for outside access. For this, I
want to point them to different config-files (session profiles) and have
discovered that none of the SetEnv statements in the Apache config files
are being honored. According to
does not result in variables being available in os.environ, but
instead in the WSGI request's variable called environ. I can see that the
code currently looks in os.environ, and as such, when running through WSGI,
only default values are used. You could either look in both os.environ and
the WSGI requests environ, or only look in the WSGI request and have code
before that, which adds os.environs variables to the WSGI request.

Anders Bruun Olsen
Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
(Society for Danish Language and Literature)
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