Hi Jan,

The output from x2goclient indicates that it is trying to use an SSH proxy.
Can you double check that your x2go session doesn't have SSH proxying
enabled? (Go to Session Preferences and make sure that "Use Proxy server
for SSH connection" isn't chosen)

2013/6/6 Jan Middelkoop <j...@recreatie-zorg.nl>

> Hello!
> After not getting freenx working properly on a clean install of CentOS
> 6.4, someone advised me to install x2go server.  I was surprised by the
> ease of installation, using the RHEL6 repository.  Using an x2go client on
> Ubuntu 12.04 to connect, things worked fantastic out of the box.
> However, after a reboot of the CentOS 6.4 machine, the client can no
> longer connect.  I've presented this issue to #x2go on Freenode, where
> sunweaver was gracious enough to provide some useful information.  He
> advised me to post about my issue on this mailing list.
> After an unsuccessful connection attempt, this is in /var/log/syslog with
> debug log level:  http://pastebin.com/L3e4xP6g  The x2go client says:
> http://pastebin.com/CiGatMeS  When I connect, I get those errors. When I
> re-connect it shows an active session, but I can't resume it.  I can start
> a new one, but then the same thing happens as the first time.  The error
> message shows up and next time there's 2 sessions in the session popup
> during login.
> Per sunweaver's suggestions, I've tried   rm -f
> /var/lib/x2go/x2go_sessions  and  x2godbadmin --createdb   but that didn't
> solve the problem.  There is also no process x2gocleansessions running.
>  There is nothing actually running with x2go in the name (ps aux | grep
> x2go returns nothing).  When starting x2gocleansessions manually, I get:
> http://pastebin.com/fExxSJ5p
> Another suggestion was to create a brand new user account, but there I get
> the same error as with the other user account.  I've tried a fresh account
> on both server and client.
> About the not locating x2gologlevel.pm bit (the x2gocleansessions
> error)... seems like it's include path is insufficient.  The file is in
> /usr/lib64/x2go/x2gologlevel.**pm <http://x2gologlevel.pm>.  Not sure how
> to fix that and if it's indication of bigger problems.  Also interesting...
> in the sudoers file there's a reference to /usr/bin/x2gopgwrapper, but this
> executable does not exist.
> If you have any suggestions on things which I could try that might shed
> further light on this, please let me know.
> Also, the machine that's plagued with this issue is a fresh installation,
> with nothing sensitive, critical or even mildly important running there
> yet.  I could provide you with ssh access to this machine so you can have a
> look around and/or attempt to connect.  If that helps, please find me on
> irc.freenode.net in #x2go under nickname Hyperbyte, so we can work
> something out.
> Kindest regards,
> Jan Middelkoop
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Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
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