Package: x2goserver

It seems that the keyboard layout selected in x2go client isn't applied to the 

I've tracked the issue to "keyboard" blocking directory being created by 
x2gostartagent script:
if [ "$X2GO_SET_KBD" == "0" ] || [ "$X2GO_KBD_TYPE" != "auto" ]; then
        $X2GO_LIB_PATH/x2gosyslog "$0" "info" "blocking creation of agent's 
keyboard file ${SESSION_DIR}/keyboard as requested by session startup command"
        mkdir -p ${SESSION_DIR}/keyboard

X2GO_KBD_TYPE contains the actual keyboard type, so its not "auto" and the 
blocking directory gets created.
I've changed it to "[ "$X2GO_KBD_TYPE" == "auto" ]" and the keyboard layouts 
gets applied on session startup.

There is also similar code in x2goresume-session:
# set client-side keyboard model, type, variant, etc.
if [ "$X2GO_SET_KBD" != "0" ] && [ "$X2GO_KBD_TYPE" == "auto" ]; then

Here it should probably be "[ "$X2GO_KBD_TYPE" != "null\/null" ]", as few lines 
earlier the script
will change X2GO_KBD_TYPE to this value when it is set to "auto" or when 
X2GO_SET_KBD is zero.

Best regards,
Maciej Szmigiero
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