Sorry for the double-post. My webmail interface said "session timeout"
and forgot to tell me that it already sent the message...

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 14:02:17 +0200 Arnold Krille <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I spent most of yesterdays working hours automating the setup of a 
> TCE-nfs+tftp server. We use Chef ( for that. And I
> will most likely publish the cookbook/recipe soon. The main reason I
> started this is that we want to automate more and more of the setup.
> And thus ease setting up our customers systems.
> Two problems I encountered:
> 1) The x2gothinclient_create skript assumes interactive usage and has 
> no option of running non-interactive. I adopted this by removing the 
> single "read" (so it doesn't anymore ask for confirmation and by
> trying to set the locale without running "dpkg-reconfigure locales".
> So that part worked.
> 2) I got the client-machines (tested with a virtual machine and
> checked with an atom-based netbook) to boot of the pxe+tftp+nfs as
> wanted and am presented with x2goclient. But on the way there, the
> mouse and keyboard are lost and motivation on friday just before the
> weekend got a little low-point. Any tips where to look at what
> happened? Keyboard and mouse seem to be gone for good, I could
> neither move the pointer nor enter anything in x2goclient. Also I
> couldn't do Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to a text-console.
> I also copied the x2gothinclient_shell-skript to create an 
> x2gothinclient_execute which takes arguments and just executes these 
> inside the tce-chroot instead of running an interactive bash. I don't 
> know whether that is something I should prepare a patch for x2go for?
> It sure is very great for example for installing the kernel inside
> the chroot from the chef-recipe. And probably for other stuff I
> didn't yet need.
> Have a nice weekend,
> Arnold
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