Hi all,

as I mentioned some days ago, we are using X2Go ourselves and with
some of our clients. And as I am in the process of replacing myself
with an (elaborate) shell-script, one of the puzzle pieces was to
deploy X2Go servers and X2Go-TCE-Servers via chef, our automation tool
of choice.
Some patches of that I committed to the bug-tracker (probably the wrong
component and from my not-subscribed work email).

And I just released a first version of my cookbook into the wild (aka
github): You can clone from
https://github.com/kampfschlaefer/x2go-cookbook and deploy a
x2go-tce+nfs+pxe server completely automatic...
This is the very first announcement, I ask for comments from the
x2go-dev-guys (or the x2go-admins subscribed here). If you are also
using chef, you are invited to test and comment on the cookbook.

In the future I might also add proper unit-testing to the cookbook,
deployment of x2go-servers, automatic sessions (finding these
x2go-server and configuring sessions for them) and announce it on more
lists and the chef community.

Have fun,

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