I summed up what x2go needs to be ported on Android:

nxproxy - an application that is needed to access remote desktop.
  NX protocol makes it possible to run any graphical application on any OS 
across any network.
  Consists of 2 part a server side and a client side. 
  For clients we have: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris
 official site: http://www.nomachine.com/download.php
vcxrsv  - an application that is an X display server a set of traditional 
sample X applications and tools, and a set of fonts
  we also can use xming from what i see in the code.
  i didn;t understand exactly what is the role of this x server on the 
application, i didn't find any doc on this.
  an x server for android:
pulseaudio - an application used for sending application audio to another 
             PulseAudio is designed for Linux systems. It has also been ported 
to and tested on Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS X, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
 pulse audio can be replaced with AudioFlinger that is the native android audio 

Unclear issues:
1. can we use the x2go without the nxproxy, the protocol to compress data?
If yes, I think that the porting can teoretically be made only using the X 
server for Android found here:
2. the x server application is running on the server machine or the client 
machine, or both?
I notice that, for Win is running on the client side, is there a x server also 
on the server side?
If there is any documentation to specify the processes used in x2go i will 
appreciate it.
Thank you very much
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